Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Will work for food

Believe it or not, our little man has developed a new love for "chores." I wouldn't go so far as to say that brooms, mops, and rakes have totally replaced his love for phones and remote controls, but it's a toss up. Whether outside or in, there is always work to be least in his mind.

B is quite the little helper and loves to push or pull mops or brooms throughout the house. And with all the dog hair our beloved George sheds, I'll take whatever help I can get.

B's reaction when I tried to take the mop away

He even sweeps the rugs!

1 comment:

The Manuel Family said...

I'm so in love with his little Camo pjs! The Target dollar aisle occasionally has toddler sized brooms and dust pans so you'll have to get B one.