Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Will work for food

Believe it or not, our little man has developed a new love for "chores." I wouldn't go so far as to say that brooms, mops, and rakes have totally replaced his love for phones and remote controls, but it's a toss up. Whether outside or in, there is always work to be least in his mind.

B is quite the little helper and loves to push or pull mops or brooms throughout the house. And with all the dog hair our beloved George sheds, I'll take whatever help I can get.

B's reaction when I tried to take the mop away

He even sweeps the rugs!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Going to Grandma's

I must admit that after I saw these pics I almost couldn't let him go to Grandma's because he was too darn cute! Here is B sporting the backpack Addison gave him for his birthday and the suitcase Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris gave him for Christmas.

How do they grow up this fast...and will it ever slow down??